P&P3 still No. 1 in the U.K.


Once again, the title says it all. The film also opened strong in the Netherlands.

Not much other P&P3 news at the mo’, so we will pass on a link that came to our attention recently. Several of the reviews of P&P3 mention that the film evokes the Brontës rather than Austen, which might not be the best thing for an Austen adaptation; however, we enjoy the Brontës’ work very much and know that many of our readers do as well. Thus, we present BrontëBlog, which the editors tell us was created in imitation of AustenBlog. AustenBlog, in its turn, was created in imitation of The Leaky Cauldron, so we are delighted that the idea of a literary subject weblog continues to be passed on.